Planting and Harvest Times
There is a time for everything! Now is the time to pay attention to the importance of Food sufficiency, Nutrition, and Access. Community is the only answer to making sure we ALL have enough. Not enough to "get by", but enough to thrive.

Farm Aid heads to DC to advocate with family farmers
On February 12, 2025, Farm Aid took part in the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition’s (NSAC) annual Lobby Day in Washington, DC. Farm Aid took to Capitol Hill along with other coalition members and farmers from around the country. Altogether, NSAC’s Lobby Day included 130 visits to the legislative offices of 32 states. NSAC members met with leaders and members of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees as well as members of the Senate Appropriations Committee and other offices. The purpose of these meetings was to bring attention to the major harms that farmers, organizations and communities are feeling from the federal funding freeze, as well as to advocate for upcoming coalition priorities for appropriations (the federal budget) and the farm bill.
Legacy's mission is to Empower individuals and communities to become self-sustaining
and economically sound through
Education, Networking and
Providing Information toward a Healthy, Sustainable, Empowered Life.